Pre Trip Preparation
Whilst it is now getting noticeably easier to travel as governments around the world are rapidly, if not entirely scrapping Covid related restrictions and entry requirements it shouldn’t be taken for granted that the pandemic itself is entirely over. The flow on effects of several years of economic and social hardship around the world are still causing issues for a travel industry’s recovery amidst a surge of rising travel demand.
Huge congestion at airports and mass flight cancellations have bogged the media in recent months. Chronic staff shortages continue to cause disruption to the hospitality and tourism industries in some countries. Whilst it might be easy to sometimes forget Covid is still out there some countries that still even have Covid travel restrictions and conditions.
Decide Whether it is Safe and Feasible to Visit Your Desired Destination at the Current time
In the pre trip planning phase it has always been important to assess the suitability and feasibility of visiting said destination. For example the local security situation, potential health risks and local customs and laws are always something that you should familiarize yourself with . So this is nothing new but since the onset of Covid back in 2020 it does add even more considerations that should be assessed before heading abroad.
First and foremost you need to understand whether you will be permitted to enter a country and if so do they have a viable tourism industry at the moment which would be conducive to having an enjoyable trip. If the country has overly burdensome entry requirements such as PCR testing or self-isolation periods in 2022 you should really think twice if there is not a better destination for you to visit right now. When planning your next trip it is always a good idea to consult with Foreign Affairs Department of your country such as Smart Traveller in Australia, the State Department in the USA or the Foreign Office in the UK
It also pays to consider how you could be impacted by a range of Covid Issues in the country you are visiting. Countries that have a better health infrastructure to look after you should you become sick with Covid or to comfortably handle you in case of becoming stranded due to flight and other cancellations is also something you might wish to consider.

Ensure Passports, Visas and any Other Documents are up to Date
Whilst overseas travel to most countries with a strong tourism industry now has only limited or no restrictions don’t always assume this will always be the case. Not all countries freely have allowed the full resumption of international travel with some still barring travel from certain destinations, travel purposes or for those who don’t meet certain health or vaccination criteria. The US for example whilst seemingly being free of all domestic restrictions and even the legal requirement to Isolate with Covid still requires proof of vaccination for foreign travelers.
Others still have quirky entry requirements even after only recently ditching hotel or self quarantine which may still require post arrival testing and health monitoring such as Hong Kong. Japan had until recently had a very strict passenger caps and only allowed tourism through designated tourism agencies and guided tours.
Get travel insurance (That includes Covid)
As the wise saying always goes if you can’t afford travel insurance you can’t afford to travel overseas. Whilst ultimately it is your choice whether or not to invest in travel insurance we couldn’t think of any trip abroad whether you wouldn’t want to be insured. Throw Covid into the mix and the rationale behind insurance should be ever more clear! Some countries may also require a certain level of insurance coverage including for Covid as part of the conditions of entry so it pays to check!
Whilst a good trip is one that should hopefully not require you to make a insurance claim when things do go astray it is a huge relief to have the backing of the insurance which can potentially save you from being thousands of dollars out of pocket. When you leave your own country you usually leave any social security arrangements that you are entailed to behind and any insurances such as health or contents insurance are often not not valid overseas. Even if the country you are visiting does have some reciprocal health care arrangements it is likely to be limited to only the most urgent of care. Find yourself in hospital overseas without health insurance and you could easily find yourself paying acronical costs and otherwise be left on your own scrambling to find the money to get the care you need or God-forbid any medical evacuation.
Especially as the travel industry rebounds after the initial waves of Covid, contracting Covid and various flight cancellations and delays can also quickly put you out of pocket and the flow on effects on other aspects of your itinerary from such disruptions might not be covered by the airline themselves. Having insurance that covers such contingencies will certainly help alleviate financial hardship when plans go pair shape.
As with all insurance policies ensure they are suitable to your itinerary and cover all the activities that you plan to do on your trip and the for possessions you want protected in case of theft or other mishap. Don’t assume Covid will be automatically covered and may attract a surcharge. We’d recommend it is still worth being covered for Covid in the current climate.
Understand the implications of a positive Covid diagnosis for both the country you reside before your trip and of those that you intend to visit and having a plan on how you will need to deal with it
Before travelling abroad it is important to brainstorm all the possible eventualities for and ramifications of a positive Covid test before leaving and also whilst on trip? Will you have to postpone or cancel travel, isolate or based on past experience or other considerations be worried that getting Covid could be a serious health matter.
The answer to these first questions ranges wildly between countries. In the United States, UK, parts of Europe and soon to be Australia one does not even need legally isolate with Covid while most others still require serving a period of isolation. Even if you don’t legally have to isolate in one country another may not allow travel if you have had Covid or can’t prove medical clearance form it. Tour operators may not allow you to continue anyway if you have Covid regardless of any lack of official isolation requirements.
Therefore it is important to have a plan should you need to isolate (or whether it would still be the socially responsible thing to do) prior to embarking on your trip and whilst abroad. Having a plan to ‘salvage’ the trip is always a good idea to minimize the disruption from getting Covid and should include things such as booking flexibly where possible and allowing plenty of time leeway in your plans should you need to reschedule plans. Of course having insurance that covers all contingencies is also another great idea.
What Could Go Wrong?
Getting Covid
It is stating the obvious but getting Covid is still a real possibility in 2022 and can pretty well happen anywhere and at any time regardless of past vaccination or even natural experience of the virus after some time. In some countries such as the US or UK getting Covid that doesn’t make you that sick may have next to no disruption to your plans although in many others you may still end up in week in quarantine causing considerable extra expense and disruption yo your trip. Having a plan to deal with this eventuality and insurance to cover it is therefore still advisable at the moment.
Flight Cancellations and Delays
Booming demand to travel since the easing of Covid rules around much of the world has been met with a airline and tourism industry that in many countries is struggling to keep up with such booming pace. Mass furloughs in the aviation and tourism sectors at the onset of Covid have not easily been reversed with many operators struggling to meet demand and in some cases fulfill the flights and services that they had already booked out. Whilst flight cancellations and delays have always been a possibility they have usually been much rarer due to technical issues. These days masses of flights have been cancelled due to ‘operational’ reasons during peak demand periods which is another term for staffing and resource issues hindering the airline’s ability to operate as planned.
Allow plenty of extra time to travel through airports and factor in the possibility of delays and cancellations impacting your travel. Having insurance and allowing plenty of time leeway in your planning can help mitigate these impacts
Local Labor Shortages and Industrial Action
In some destinations it is a very real possibility that you will have to temper expectations of what you can achieve or experience on your holiday. On a recent trip to New Zealand we noticed severe staff shortages in the tourism and hospitality sector with a number of businesses yet to reopen and others operating on limited days and with lesser hours than usual. Others also had reduced menus and reduced service or product offerings. This means in some destinations you really need to do your homework in advance to see what can be done and where you can dine and of course advanced reservations will be necessary to avoid disappointment.
A Sudden Change in Entry Requirements or Conditions and a Rapid Change in Covid Pandemic Emerges
Unfortunately as much as most people like to wish that the pandemic is over and with most returning to their pre-Covid lives it is still not outside of the realms of possibilities that the pandemic could shift to a new phase which brings about greater responses from governments. As we have leant with the initial wave of Covid and the speed to which government’s closed borders and announced lockdowns leading travelers stranded almost overnight that these things can happen and you need to be prepared just incase. Without trying to be alarmist, it is still worth having an exit plan should the Covid situation suddenly change that covers the prospect of been stranded overseas and rushing to get home .
Top Tips for Dealing with and Mitigating Risk of Post Covid Travel Disruption
1.) Book Flexible Arrangements Wherever Possible or When of any Doubt
Covid 19 has perhaps brought in a new era of unheralded booking flexibility like not seen before. Many airlines, hotels and tourism operators know that people may be reluctant to book without enhanced flexibility given the uncertain nature of the future so it pays to take advantage of flexible booking terms wherever it is complimentary or comes at a small cost. Unless there is a Significant saving to be had and you are sure of your plans always book for fully flexible hotel and tour reservations which can be changed or even cancelled free of charge right up to much closer to to the arrival date. Whilst some airlines have now rescinded their complimentary flexible flying conditions it certainly pays to scout out airlines that do whilst others now offer a reasonably affordable surcharge to buy this peace of mind. During our most recent trips during and post Covid, we have changed or cancelled flight and hotel bookings due to changing circumstances numerous times saving us thousands in what would be otherwise lost bookings or change fees
2.) Allow Time Leeway When Booking Flights, Transiting Between Countries and Before Commencing Crucial Parts of Your Itinerary Such as Tours
When booking a flight it pays to assess the on-time reliability and cancellation rates of the airline and route you are flying. It pays to allow some time leeway in case of a flight cancellation meaning you can’t get to your destination until a day or longer later. By this we mean wherever possible don’t bank on starting a tour or crucial planned activity on the day of arrival or planning to be at work the next day after getting home. Allowing some extra time gives you some spare lead way to work with when plans get disrupted.
3.) Choosing Reliable Airlines and Tourism Operators and Those With a Strong Capability to Recover any Cancellations or Delays with Minimal Disruption
In addition to the above advice we also recommend you consider the track record of the above operators in being able to mange such disruptions. Where possible we recommend booking with airlines that have multiple flights on the route you are flying and a strong likelihood of being able to put you on the next available direct flight with disruptions being in the hours as opposed to days.
On a recent flight that i was booked on from Sydney to Perth with Jetstar notice was given of a flight cancellation due to ‘engineering requirements’ only the night before and the airline’s rebooking options were extremely inconvenient with no alternative direct options given including with Qantas forcing those opting to rebook be stuck with lengthy 18+ hour journeys with long layovers in Melbourne and in some cases overnight stops.
If you are not happy with the alternatives airlines will usually offer a refund but expect rebooking with another airline at the last minute to cost significantly more. In these situations the customer is often faced with the choice of significant disruption to their travel plans or significant extra costs to get to their destination even remotely on time. Therefore choosing an airline or other operator with a strong track record and capability to recover these situations should be a top priority!
4.) Research Your Destination Thoroughly and Mange Expectations Accordingly
Whilst those working at the airports and the airlines and then again those at your destination are absolutely working hard to ensure you have a great time and enjoyable holiday it is important to understand everything they have gone through over the last 2.5 years and the challenges facing the rebound of the industry. It is therefore important to understand whether your destination will be able to live up to its pre Covid hype or whether certain resourcing and staffing constraints will mean you will need to temper your expectations accordingly. In general it just pays to be prepared that the way things operate may be a little different than what you had experienced in the past but this shouldn’t stop you having a great time!
5.) Be Prepared for the Unexpected!
Even despite all the most careful of planning and endless research to ensure things go off without a hitch, the unexpected hick-up can still happen to even the most organized traveler. Don’t let it put you off travelling but this is where taking other precautions such as having travel insurance and having access to several sources of money can help deal with these circumstances!