New Zealand has always been one of Australia’s favorite holiday destinations and on the must do list for many aspiring globetrotters. Once a relatively easy destination to visit especially for Australians who can generally live and work in the country indefinitely with little restriction its no wonder it has been such a loved destination to visit for millions of Aussies over recent years. Unfortunately due to the Covid 19 pandemic New Zealand’s borders were closed for over 2 years and have only been gradually eased throughout this year. With tourism now allowed and slowly return to this epic country of natural beauty some Covid 19 entry requirements still remain. In this short guide we review the steps travelers need to take complete the New Zealand Traveler Declaration and to attain the New Zealand Traveler Pass. Find out how to complete these forms and what information you’ll need to supply and all the other things you need to know about travelling to New Zealand at the moment!
What is the New Zealand Travelers Deceleration?
The New Zealand Travel Declaration is the current framework that the New Zealand Government and its Ministry of Health have used to facilitate the entry of all travelers into the breathtakingly beautiful country of Aotearoa since March 31 of this year. The Declaration system is designed to manage the covid-19 considerations of the New Zealand Government and imposes certain conditions and requirements on travelers seeking to enter the country, particularly those who are foreign nationals visiting for tourism or other purposes. Ultimately, successful applicants may be able to enter the country with no need for pre departure tests or on arrival quarantine subject to other conditions being met. All travelers to New Zealand irrespective of Nationality are required to complete the form and subsequently be issued a Traveler’s Pass which will outline the further requirements to be adhered to after arrival in the country.
Failure to have completed the declaration and to receive a travel pass is likely to either risk been denied boarding or being fined on arrival. Whilst the declaration process is relatively straight forward do not attempt to travel to New Zealand without a Travel Pass. To complete or review the requirements of the declaration you can visit

What is the New Zealand Travel Pass?
The New Zealand Travel Pass is a certificate like document issued to a perspective traveler to Aotearoa who has successfully completed their Travelers Deceleration. Whilst ultimately it does not guarantee entry to New Zealand on its self it must be kept on the traveler at all times and produced either in electronic or paper form to a customs official at the border if requested whilst airline staff will typically insist of seeing it before allowing you to check in for a flight bound for the country. The pass most importantly contains a QR code which easily contains all the information customs and immigrations authorities may need to facilitate entry and will have basic information next to it such as passport number and arriving flight number. It will also state the traveler’s entry path into New Zealand which for most travelers who have met all the requirements will be able to enter quarantine free subject to taking 2 post arrival RAT tests both on day 0/1 and again on day 5/6. It can be easily stored on your phone or printed off where the QR code can even fit inside a wallet or passport cover. In reality however in my first trip to New Zealand since the start of the pandemic I was not asked to produce this pass at the border or on any point on my trip so it is likely airlines are passing this information to the authorities in advance.

printed as a hard copy.
Does New Zealand Require Proof of Vaccination to Enter?
The short answer is well that it depends. For all returning citizens, certain visa class holders and Australians who can prove that they are normally resident in New Zealand proof of vaccination is not required. For most travelers including foreign tourists the answer is yes provided that there is the usual strict criteria for possible exemptions. New Zealand approves over 30 Covid vaccines for entry into New Zealand and whilst criteria may vary for all common vaccines available in Australia, a two dose regime is sufficient to meet the requirements. The future of this requirement is currently understood to be up for coming review when Jacinda Ardern’s Cabinet meets next week to consider overhauling a wide range of NZ Covid settings as the country’s winter omicron wave appears to be easing. We think it is likely NZ will ease vaccination requirements and scrap the Traveler Pass system all together in coming months bringing itself in line with many other Western countries including Australia. Only time will tell though.

What documents do you Need to Complete to Travel to New Zealand
In order to efficiently and successfully complete your pre arrival travel deceleration you will need to gather the following information and documents and be prepared to submit them in your application.
- Your passport number
- Your 14 days domestic and international travel history prior to entering New Zealand
- Your first international airport of departure
- The date and time of your first international flight
- The date you will arrive in New Zealand
- The flight number of your flight into New Zealand
- Proof of your COVID-19 vaccination or exemption (Must be Internationally recognized)
- Your contact details and address while in New Zealand
- Details of your emergency contact
- An email address.

When and How to Complete the New Zealand Traveler Declaration Form?
The Declaration can be completed at anytime in the proceeding 28 days before departure for New Zealand. Whilst a successful application in our experience using a Australian passport was practically instant we do recommend not leaving it to the last minute just in case of any unexpected hiccups. The form can be completed at any time 24 hours a day and users are able to save an unfinished deceleration whereby a code will be emailed so it can be finished at a later time. Alternatively there is no dramas if your plans change as you can easily sign in to your account to amend flight details or other information – just make sure they are up to date when finally travelling to New Zealand.
Arriving into New Zealand and Post Arrival RAT Testing
Tourists and other visitors can now generally arrive into New Zealand quarantine free provided they comply with all the traveler declaration requirements and of course all of the other usual prevailing entry and visa formalities. All passengers are still required to complete the usual Passenger Arrival Card and comply with New Zealand’s very strict bio security requirements or risk severe fines. Concerns over the spread of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is of particular concern to New Zealand authorities at the moment especially for travelers with recent history of travel to Indonesia so prepare to comply with possibly additional bio-security requirements. For those granted quarantine free arrival pathway, the New Zealand Government does however require travelers to undertake two Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) after arrival in New Zealand and to register the result regardless of its outcome.
The tests are bundled in a welcome pack free of charge in a 4 pack upon arrival at immigration that also contains information on how to use the tests and report them. Travelers are required to complete self conduct a test both on day 0/1 and also again at either day 5 or 6 after arrival with the Ministry of Health sending a email at the time whereby you must follow the prompts and report your result irrespective of the result.
For all intensive purposes reporting results is based on a honours system and the survey that the Ministry of Health emails travelers so they can report there test does not require presenting any proof of the test result. If you do forget to record complete and report your Rat tests don’t worry but do expect a friendly reminder email from the Ministry of Health to get it done.

As a positive result under New Zealand rules is likely to be disruptive to your holiday plans and require you to find suitable accommodation to isolate for 7 days it is highly recommended all travelers to New Zealand take up appropriate travel insurance to cover for such contingencies.

Summing Up: Should you Visit New Zealand Right now?
New Zealand is a great place to visit in 2022 even if it has been relatively slow to open up the world and ease out Covid restrictions. Issues with chronic staff shortages as a consequence of over 2 years of shut borders and strict social measures to contain the virus are still hindering the full potential of the country’s tourism rebound. A little preparation to gather the right documents to enable a smooth entry into New Zealand and managed expectations about a tourism and hospitality industry not yet fully back up to speed will however go a long way in ensuring a memorable visit to the spectacularly beautiful Land of Long White Cloud!
Barring the unexpected, ultimately the strict traveler declaration regime is likely to be binned in coming months as a way to boost tourism heading into the New Zealand summer season and bring the country in line with many of its western counterparts. Some may understandably wish to wait until such restrictions are lifted otherwise travelling now still requires a little bit of extra preparation but can still be a very rewarding and enjoying experience!